September 18/2021

 Hello there,

September is a very special month because is the birthday of the person who brought me to this world, I have mixed feelings because it has been two years since I saw her and now with corona still with us is really difficult to make a decision whether to travel or not.  

Our lives here has almost came back to normal, still with a lot of precautions but kids are back to school and back to their sport activities, I am also back doing henna since April. Life goes on, time did not stop because of the pandemic...

So far this year I am very grateful to all my clients, some have come unexpectedly and right when needed. people has shown more kindness and I feel they are more giving. We all have been through our own bumpy roads we need more and more kindness.

However There is one thing that bothers me and is people not wearing mask at indoor events, even vaccinated we can still get covid I do not understand why I have been told so many time "you do not need to wear a mask, we are all vaccinated" and I looked like the only crazy wearing mask, still I will keep wearing my mask till the end of the pandemic inshallah.

I do not remember if I mentioned but our family has a new member and today he is turning 10 months old! time flies, it is wonderful to see him grow we all in our family feel the same. The girls are super loving and protective he is really being spoiled.

 here I am attaching few pics from my work this year, I lost a lot of muscle memory and slowly getting back

have a fantastic rest of the year!


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